Thursday, May 22, 2008

Gaming in the library continues (No. 35)

I played both games in the Carnegie Mellon page and once I got a handle on the rules I did well, as it should be. But part of playing a game is figuring out the rules.

Do video games belong in the library? Sure, why not? Libraries should be about allowing people to have access to information. Video games, though not everyone's idea of valuable information, can provide experiences, both social and intellectual, that can be gainfully used by a person in other situations. Games allow us to change the procedures and policies without decimating the world around us. They allow us to change how we approach a problem and alter solutions without fear of life destroying permenance.

The fact that games change so often and become obsolete so quickly is a good reason for libraries to jump in now. By obtaining video game systems and games, libraries can allow access to materials that not everyone can spend money or space on.

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