Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cleaning the Drive Train (No. 30)

I really didn't have much to take out because I did it awhile back, but I did erase a two month old report on 90 day holds not filled.

I created some folders to better organize the stuff I do like to keep like flyers and meeting agendas for the teen programs here at NC. I work really hard not to have personal stuff. I did move one short story from my Z to my thumb drive.

I will continue to keep working on keeping myself organized.

Deleting E-mail (No. 29)

Ever have to decide? That old song keeps coming back to me. I keep having to decide what e-mail is important enough to keep. Basically it falls into a couple of categories, families and ya stuff. I have three folders, I think, important memos, ingram, and coned (continuing education). The rest stays in my inbox where I have to look at it and decide.

That's hard to do.

The amount of stuff in my box varies but I try to keep it to two pages max. That's all I can keep up with and all I ever want to keep up with. Most mail I just delete, the rest I check and move or toss.

Getting Things Done (No. 28)

I have to admit that I always seem to have trouble getting things done. The article I read was nothing I haven't heard and everything that I have trouble doing.

No matter how hard I try I have a hard time deciding what to keep and what to get rid of and staying on task. I have struggled with this for as long as I can remember.

Part of the problem is that I start keeping track and then forget that I was keeping track.

I use google calendar, but I haven't since, well, July. Apparently, though it is keeping up with me. Yea!

I'll keep trying. Ciao!