Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Publishing Evolution 83: Paper to Pixels (or e-ink)


1. I have to admit that I still prefer paper to pixels, when it comes to reading.  When I write I almost exclusively use my computer simply because my hand gets tired and I hate erasures.  I like holding the book in my hand when I am reading.  I really don't mind waiting for the next book in the series to come out.  It builds the excitement that I feel when I finally get the book in my hand.

2. Uhmm, yes, price does influence the format.  If it is an author that I really, really like and a book in a series that I really, really want to read then I might pay a hardback's price, but I might decide to wait on the paperback.  I would really prefer not to pay the same hardback price for a digital copy.  It really doesn't make sense to me to pay that much money for something that I can't hold and that potentially could be taken away from me. (I cite as an example.)


3. Do you like the idea of preview and then pay? Yes, however, I am not sure I like the materials that this site offers.

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