Monday, October 22, 2007

Library 2.0

To me, Library 2.0 is a catchy phrase that really doesn't relate.

When I was in college, I read and I changed. I began to believe in change. I believe that change is life. To grow is to change. I still hate change, particularly when I don't have a say in what will change and how, but that is common for most people, I think.

Library 2.0 for me is about changing. Changing how we as librarians view our jobs, how we views the collection and how we view customers. It is all about making it easier for the patron to get to their information quicker and easier.

But I think that saying "Library 2.0" is silly. We always have been moving this way, resisting it as we all do, but eventually evolving into something better. We have to move, to change, to grow or we will slide the opposite way into obsolesence.

(But do we really need to give it a label? Aren't there enough already?)

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