Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I already had a myspace page so I decided to add my name to the facebook rolls.  After I had set up my account, I went looking for people I knew.  I looked under my colleges (several) and no one I knew came up.  Then I tried my high school class and wow! people! I foudn three people I remembered from high school, two of whom were pretty good friends.  I am so excited that I found them!  One's in Dallas and the other in Illinois. Go figure!

I like it all right. I started an aquarium, but who's going to send me fish? I have a graveyard, but what's it for?

I like myspace,sometimes, despite its negative reputation as hook-up place and hunting ground for pedophiles. I like it because I have been able to find lots of authors of my favorite books and they have added me to their own pages, so I kind of get a heads up when they have new books. This is sooo cool. Also because some of them put details of their lives and interests on their page and it is neat to see that Lori Foster is into UFC and that Val Kilmer is a songwriter and singer. It's just neat.

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