Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Going Green Part Two no. 41 (act. 3)

I think it would be easiest for me to start conserving electricity in my house. I have already begun replacing my regular light bulbs with the compact flourescent bulbs that last longer and use up less energy. I need to replace my older thermostat with one that we can program, but we already adjust it so that our house is comfortable but neither cold nor hot. We are constantly on the look out for air leaks that need to be plugged. We are also very good about getting the system checked and filters changed. One thing that I do need to work on is shopping for our energy and looking for better renewable sources of energy.

The one thing that I believe would require the most commitment (at least for me) would be to recycle items. It is so easy and yet it would be so difficult to remember to sort the stuff into the bins and take it to the recycling place. My area doesn't have the recycling pick-up like parts of Houston. Knowing what and what not to hang on to is a little confusing too. I looked at the chart on the http://www.obviously.com/recycle/guides/shortest.html page and it is a little wordy. Also, who knew that so much is actually BAD for recycling. I would still love to give a shot and encourage my family to do the same.

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